Innovative Entreprenuers


Innovative Entrepreneurs is part of Enterprise West Yorkshire and funded by West Yorkshire Combined Authority;. This programmes aims to provide the support, guidance and means for individuals and teams to transform their ideas into high impact, profitable businesses which can create positive impact within the region and beyond.


About The Innovative Entrepreneurs Programme

If you are solution focused, comfortable with taking risks and motivated to design, develop and pitch your idea until it becomes a reality then we want to hear from you.

No business experience is needed; just an idea and a passion for solving problems.

We’re looking for: 

  • Ideas that take a new approach to solving a problem. 
  • Products or services that haven’t yet been invented, which can solve major issues. 
  • Groundbreaking ideas that impact society on a large scale. 
  • Development of a new product, service or even process which adds additional value to an existing solution.

The progrmame will support 75 individuals over the next 2 years. The start date of each programme will be:

  • January 2024
  • April 2024
  • September 2024
  • January 2025


To join the Innovative Entrepreneurs programme you need to be:

  • Aged 18 or over.  
  • A resident of West Yorkshire, or owner of a start-up business located in West Yorkshire. 
  • Able to commit to completing the nine-month programme.
  • Able to prioritise this programme over other commitments when needed.

What you receive

Part 1

Intensive Idea Development

April – June

4 x 7 hour in-person learning sessions

8 x 90-minute online learning sessions

10+ hours of one-to-one coaching

6 x 2 hour group mentoring sessions

Part 2

Investor Readiness Support


10 hours of Investor readiness support

3 hours 1-1 coaching


Pitch for grant funding

Part 3

Next steps


3 hours of 1-1 coaching

Networking events

Peer support group

In addition to the learning on the programme participants will also have access to:

Co-working office space
Each participant will have access to 12 months of co-working office space through one of the Founder Hubs, located within each of the 5 districts of the region.

Opportunity to win Grant funding
Each cohort will have 3 prizes of £5,000 of grant funding available to win.

From left to right, you have:

  • Husain Alogaily / Compost-It
  • Dani Davidson & Brandon Deane / HarmonaiHubs
  • Jason, who is an angel investor, supports the cohort with pitch readiness training and coaching
  • Ellie MacDonald / HelloHope CIC*
  • Jason Crispin / IMAGINaiTION
Who works with us

Our Partners, Funders and Supporters